How Do All-on-4® Dental Implants Work?

All On 4 Los Angeles, CA

Are you missing multiple (or even all of your) teeth and curious about the All-on-4® tooth-replacement system? Discussing this procedure and how it works with your general dentist is a good idea. Read on to find out more about the process for All-on-4® dental implants.

Why choose dental implants?

Understanding that the All-on-4® tooth replacement option uses dental implants is important, as placing implants in one’s mouth is a process that tends to take many months to complete. However, the end result is well worth the time, which is why so many people who are missing most or all of their upper teeth or most or all of their lower teeth are choosing the popular All-on-4® tooth replacement option. Below is an outline of how the procedure for getting All-on-4® works and what to expect from the process.

About All-on-4® tooth replacement

The All-on-4® process works by placing four dental implants in one’s mouth in a way that supports a full arch of teeth. This treatment eliminates the need for one to get numerous implants, which can be both time-consuming and expensive. Some additional advantages that come with choosing this replacement option include an improved ability to chew food, the prevention of further bone loss, and not having to worry about wearing dentures.

How All-on-4® dental implants work

Because the All-on-4 uses strategically placed dental implants, those who choose this replacement option will need to have four implants placed in their mouth before they can wear their new arch of teeth. An experienced dentist will use technology to find the ideal locations for implant placement, as the implants need to be inserted into an area that includes a sufficient amount of bone. Bone tissue plays an important role, as this is what keeps the implants securely in place, which is important when it comes to keeping the arches securely in place once they have been installed in the mouth.

All-on-4 vs. dentures

All-on-4 differs from traditional dentures in a few ways, with one of the more beneficial ways being that they are a permanent missing-tooth solution and dentures need to be replaced every five to seven years or so. The All-on-4 option also offers a more secure fit, as the arches of teeth are held in place using the implants, making it so that they stay securely in place at all times. Caring for All-on-4 implants and arches requires regular oral care, making it easy for patients to care for their new teeth. Dentures require special care, making it necessary for one to spend more time caring for dentures.

Do you have multiple missing teeth?

As soon as someone chooses a tooth replacement option that will work for them, their next step is making a consultation appointment for detailed information on the process. The information above explains why dental implants are so popular nowadays, as well as the All-on-4 process for replacing multiple missing teeth.

Are you considering using the All-on-4 procedure in the Los Angeles area? Get more information at

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: All-on-4 Dental Implants in Los Angeles, CA.

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